Tuesday, July 22, 2008



-we all need it

So far, it’s been a really interesting day. Things are now quiet, and I am reflecting on a few things that have happened lately.

In response to one of my journals, I got some very constructive feed back on content and approach, and some constructive feedback on my web site which I can incorporate to make it more helpful, and to hopefully increase the amount of work I am doing.

This morning, I had the opportunity to work with two very different contacts.

One is in Europe, is mature in life experiences, and is focused on recovering from a life where some of the same experiences I went through are common to both of us. So were the ways we dealt with inner pain. I have been on the journey of recovery much longer than her, but am thrilled and amazed to be a witness to her growth. We share a common language in more ways than one, a language of the heart, and it impacts our sessions in a very special way. She brightens my life!

I have also worked with a young man this morning that is in the early stages of building a career. He has so much going for him, and it is a thrill to see the good things that are within him come out. He is setting goals, adjusting as is practical and making steady progress and practicing some new behaviors that will lead him to career and life success. In a very different way, he helps keep me centered!

These things feel good; they are the purpose I feel is my life!

I realize that I can seem like I have my “poop” together, and can get what was lovingly referred to “preachy”. I am trying to learn how to change that, and make it easier for people to relate.

Each day when I journal, I try to come straight from the heart, and the primary thought is to get things that are inside of me outside! Fact is that the lousy days for a good piece of time have been few and far between. I have had a ton of help, and I try to acknowledge it regularly. I’m in the “helping” business because I believe in it personally. I love working with people as a “guide” on a life recovery journey because I love the journey.

It blows me away that statistically, about 10% of the population are affected by addictions, and at least as many are affected adversely by self-esteem issues. Hard to have a good life on the outside when you’re a mess on the inside! I learned this the hard way! Yet with so many “struggling” out there, so few get help, get hope, or get serenity and do not realize abundance in their life. A real pity.

If I can help a few, it’s a win/win. My clients and those I do “service” work with on a daily basis give me at least equal to anything I can offer them, and they add to the richness of my life. I’m grateful. Life has its ups and downs. On the whole, at this moment in time, while not being what I want 100%, I’m in a pretty happy space and spiritually grounded! This, I believe, gives me something to offer to others.

Once again, I encourage comments and questions to anything I publish! There is a world of experience out there that I can learn from.

Upon reflection, I know my journey is uphill, but progress is slowly occurring!! Thank you, by reading this, for being part of the trip.

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